Tuesday, 10 September 2019


WALT use animation slides. We used PNG to get an image that has a transparent background. It took a lot of patients to do this as it is 101 slides. I learnt how to put it on my blog with the help of Mrs Minehan. To make it move we had to change the bits where it said false to true in the link. If you want you could try it one day.


  1. hi my name is Kobe im a year 6 and i go to paparore school i love your post maybe next time you could add some more slids showing what happend to the plane of what happend to the people in it but apart from that your slid is great.

  2. Hi my name is Alicia and I go to paparore school and I would just like to say Wow that was a cool animation the only thing I could say is that I would have liked to see more of what happends after the plane had land.But it was an good start so thankyou for sharring that animation and I would like to see more like this thanks.


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